- WHY NGC Immigration
Insofar as the question " Why Choose A Representative? " is concerned, it should be said that it is a very important question and should be taken very seriously.
Before making the decision to choose an immigration representative, you may wonder whether or not you even need one. After all you may know people who have successfully obtained their visas without hiring an immigration lawyer or consultant. However, it is not the case with everyone. Indeed, a big percentage of people who come to us for assistance are those adventurous people who filed their initial applications without using a professional? help and somewhere down the road their application was rejected for some technical reasons which could be avoided if they had a professional representative at first place.
Canadian Immigration laws and regulations are constantly changing and are very complex. You may have some basic knowledge about what is involved in applying for a visa, but unless you are an immigration professional, you will not be aware of all the issues involved in the immigration process. Moreover, even if you apply on your own and get your visa, you may have created some problems that could impact on your status long after your visa has been issued. So what seemed like a successful visa application may turn out to be just the opposite. While it is true that it is possible for you to represent yourself in some simple immigration matters, the reality is that in doing so you are taking a gamble which is not worth taking especially if you are serious about your immigration plan.
The decision to uproot yourself and your family (if applicable) from one country and establish yourself in Canada is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make in your life and given the investment of time, resources and emotion that the Canadian Immigration process entails, it would stand to reason that you would want the professional assistance of an accredited representative to make sure that the process is as easy, straightforward, flawless and expedient as possible.
Before taking any steps, you should make that your representative is authorized by the Canadian government to represent you. The new Canadian immigration law states that only the following people can represent clients on their immigration applications:
- Immigration Consultants who are members in good standing with the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC); OR
- Canadian Lawyers who are members in good standing with one of the Canadian provincial or territorial law societies.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada will not conduct business with representatives who are not members in good standing with ICCRC or one of the Canadian provincial or territorial law societies. Therefore, non-Canadian lawyers who are licensed to practice law in any country other than Canada as well as any non-Canadian/non-ICCRC member consultants are NOT authorized by the Canadian government to represent you with your immigration matters.
Immigration officers will verify electronically if an applicant's representative is an authorized representative but if it turns out that he/she is not an authorized representative, it might cause you some hassle and inconvenience, therefore, before taking any steps make sure that your representative is an authorized one.
In order to verify if your representative is an authorized representative please visit Citizenship and Immigration Canada? website at www.cic.gc.ca and click on ?mmigration Representatives at the bottom of the page.
Lawyers are those who have a law degree and are members of one the Canadian provincial or territorial law societies. Any person in Canada who introduces himself/herself as a Lawyer must be a member in good standing of one of the Canadian provincial or territorial law societies.
Lawyers study a wide range of areas of law in which immigration is only one of them. Although some Canadian lawyers practice only in one area of law, but majority of the Canadian lawyers are either general practitioners or practice in more than one area of law.
Licensed Immigration Consultants are those who are members of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council, ICCRC, which is an independent, regulatory body, operating at arms length from the Federal Government of Canada. Created in fall of 2003, the Society is responsible for regulating the activities of immigration consultants who are members and who provide immigration advice for a fee. ICCRC grants memberships to only those individuals who have demonstrated their knowledge and ability to advise, consult and represent people who wish to seek Canadian immigration, have met the Society? educational and academic requirements, have passed the Society's Knowledge and Ethics exams and have demonstrated their good character.
The governing body for the immigration consultants is a nation wide organization while the governing bodies for the lawyers are provincial and territorial. Also the rules and regulations governing practices of the immigration consultants are designed exclusively for immigration matters in order to better protect the rights of the immigration applicants all over the world while the rules and regulations governing practices of the lawyers are general and designed for all areas of the law mostly to better protect the rights of the Canadian clients.
Most immigration consultants practice immigration law on exclusive basis, it means, immigration is the only thing they do on daily basis, therefore, they are very good and knowledgeable in what they do. Also, fee wise, their fees are usually lower than the lawyers fee while they offer more services to new comers compare to lawyers. These competency and advantages of the immigration consultants have resulted in creation of a situation where a rapidly growing number of lawyers and law firms hire authorized consultants to do their immigration files. So why should you pay more for less to a lawyer while they hire licensed consultants to do their immigration files?
WHY NGC Immigration:
At NGC, we do not sell dreams, nor try to sell Canada to anyone. We are committed to assist those individuals and families who have already made their minds about immigrating to Canada and are ready for its challenges as well as its benefits, and in order to do so, we offer truly comprehensive immigration and legal advices and services from beginning to end. Canadian immigration law is our business and we pursue it vigorously when representing you.
The Canadian Immigration laws and the accompanying Regulations give a lot of discretionary powers to Visa Officers and Immigration Officers. This discretion nevertheless must be exercised in a specific manner and within well defined limits. We make sure that your application is complete and covers every possible aspect of immigration requirements. Further, we make sure that discretionary power is exercised in a just and equitable manner at the time of the processing of your file.
If need be, we make sure the visa officers are updated or are approached within the legal time frame for reconsideration or appeal of a case.
- Knowledge and Experience
- Creative and Practical Solutions
- Prompt Actions
- Proactive solutions
- Personal and friendly Approach
- Accessibility
- Best Value For Your Money
- Depth & Resources
- Network of Our Specialists
- On Going Information
Knowledge and Experience: NGC has an excellent reputation and has many years of experience in immigration matters. At NGC, we know the rules, and we have the necessary practical knowledge and experience to support our understanding and interpretation of the laws and the regulations. We're experienced in handling both your stress and your issues.
Creative and Practical Solutions: In order to assist our clients to achieve their short term and long term objectives, we try to come up with some creative and practical solutions. Before we give an opinion, make a recommendation, or advance an argument on your behalf, the legal and practical implications are always considered. The result is that you are put in the position of making an informed and pragmatic decision.
Prompt Actions: From the time you contact us, we get on with your case and try to file your application in the minimum time possible. Whether you just submit an assessment form to us, need representation for an appeal, a permanent resident application, or a removal or deportation order, we respond promptly, skillfully and with confidence. We also inform you immediately about any development in your file during the processing. We are fully aware that the waiting and time factor is important to our clients.
Proactive Solutions: We have policy of encouraging clients to seek our advice before problems arise. Through some careful preparations and planning, clients can avoid disappointment, longer delays, and painful and costly appeals. By doing so, we can save you time, money and aggravation
Personal and Friendly Approach: Our team is committed to providing individual, personalized service. Before knowing our clients needs, we take the time to get to know them first. Once we know them, we better understand the problem, we tell the client in plain language about the legal the framework, their options, and our recommendations.
Accessibility: We are easily accessible in person (where applicable), by e-mail or by telephone. Because most our clients reside in different time zones, we make our alternative numbers available to clients who expect to have difficulties during holidays and odd hours.
Best Value For Your Money: Our fees are clearly set out in our agreement and explained in detail to the client. Certainly our fees are not the lowest in the market but with no doubt, you receive the best value your money can buy. We are also very transparent with respect to our fees and the costs occurred during the process and we do not have any hidden fees. We endeavor to keep legal costs as low as possible so that they are proportionate to the client's problem.
Depth & Resources: The members of our team are experienced in dealing with Immigration law matters. They are able to provide assistance and assemble the necessary written materials in short order. The multicultural fabric of our team has enabled us to provide services in many languages. Using today? modern technology, NGC is perfectly equipped to assist in all immigration, settlement and business matters.
Depth & Resources: The members of our team are experienced in dealing with Immigration law matters. They are able to provide assistance and assemble the necessary written materials in short order. The multicultural fabric of our team has enabled us to provide services in many languages. Using today? modern technology, NGC is perfectly equipped to assist in all immigration, settlement and business matters.
On going Information: At NGC, we believe that throughout the processing we should inform our clients about the immigration procedures, legislations, practical developments of interest, etc. In case of any developments which it might effect a client, we let the client know promptly, explaining the situation as well as the ramifications in clear language.
We also post summarized immigration programs, procedures and important immigration news in our website: www.ngimmigration.com